Free Spay / Neuter Information

Free Spay/Neuter Requirements

Our affiliated veterinarians look forward to meeting you and your new puppy. You may schedule an appointment with one of our affiliated veterinary clinics or feel free to walk in. Please bring your Petland paperwork and a stool sample to your pet’s first exam.


Initial Exam (complimentary)

Your Responsibility:

  • Initial fecal test
  • All recommended vaccines
  • Pre-surgical Labwork
  • One year supply of heart worm prevention.
  • Surgical Pain Package (Pain Injection, Laser Therapy and Pain Meds to Go Home)
  • All of the above procedures must be performed at one of our nine (9) affiliated veterinary clinics, for the free spay/neuter certificate to be valid.

  • Surgery needs to be performed before the patient turns 7 months.

This certificate applies to animals that have completed the entire vaccination series at one of our nine (9) affiliated veterinary clinics.

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